Phase 1


This past fall I commissioned a campus-wide Strategic Planning Committee (SPC) to revise our existing Phase One strategic guidance document.  As we end this academic year, I believe it is appropriate to report our progress to date. 

I am pleased to share the final committee draft of the revised Phase One document with the campus community.  While aspects of the revised document will look familiar to many on campus, several new concepts are embedded.  The SPC has worked diligently to review our mission and revise our vision, values, mission imperatives, priority goals and strategies.  I invite you to review the document and share feedback.  We will accept and consider input through the first week of September 2015 and then complete a final draft.  You may submit feedback below or email me directly at

After the Phase One document is completed, it will guide unit implementation planning (Phase Two) next fall.  The SPC will continue to meet and play an important role moving forward—advising Phase Two planning and guiding and evaluating progress toward our goals.  As is evident, we are moving from a more traditional 7-10 year strategic planning cycle to an ongoing approach, which will enable us to more nimbly respond to changes in our environment and to opportunities and challenges.

I look forward to your feedback on the Phase One strategic guidance document.

Douglas A. Kristensen, J.D.